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2012-12-09 17:07 xwc    (点击次数:)

1Q. J. Zhi and Z. Z. Ren “Systematic calculations on the ground state properties of Mg isotopes by the macroscopic-microscopic model”Phys. Lett. B 638, 166 (2006).

2Q. J. Zhi and Z. Z. Ren“Systematic studies on the exotic properties of isotopes from oxygen to calcium”Nucl. Phys. A 794, 10 (2007).

3Q. J. Zhi and Z. Z. Ren“A macroscopic–microscopic study of Ne and Mg nuclei”J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 32, 375 (2006).

4Q. J. Zhi, Y. C. Mao and Z. Z. Ren, “Macroscopic-microscopic calculations of ground state properties of superheavy nuclei”Front. Phys. China 2, 143 (2006).

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7Q. J. Zhi, Z. Z. RenX. P. Zhang, X. H. ZhouZ. G. GanZ. Qin and S. H. Xu, “The Alpha Decay energies and half lives for the possibly synthesized superheavy elements”Chin. Phys. C, 32(01), 40 (2008).

8Q. J. Zhi, Z. Z. Ren and X. P. Zhang, “The ground state properties of superheavy nuclei in the Macro-micro model” Commun. Theo. Phys. 50(3), 707 (2008).

9支启军“N=28丰中子核的形变和形状共存研究”, 物理学报, 5, 194 (2011). 

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12Q. J. Zhi, Y. Yu and Q. Zheng, “Theoretical investigation of the Gamow Teller transition for some pf shell nuclei”, Chin. Phys. C, 35, 1022 (2011).

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14Z. Z. Ren, Y. C. Mao, Q. J. Zhi, C. Xu and T. K. Dong, “Systematical calculations on the ground state properties of superheavy Nuclei”,Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 272, 209 (2007).

15X. P. Zhang, Z. Z. Ren and Q. J. Zhi, “Simple Formula of β+-Decay Half-Lives of Nuclei Far From β-Stable Line”, Commun. Theo. Phys. 48(6), 1072 (2007).

16X. P. Zhang, Z. Z. Ren and Q. J. Zhi, “Systematical law of beta(+)-decay half-lives of nuclei far from beta-stable line”, Chin. Phys. C 32, 48 (2008).

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18W. Zhu, Q. W. Shi, X. R. Wang, J. Chen, J. L. Yang and J. G. Hou, “Shape of Disorder-Broadened Landau Subbands in Graphene”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 056803 (2009).

19W. Zhu, Q. W. Shi, J. G. Hou and X. R. Wang, “Topological Transition of Graphene from Quantum Hall Metal to Quantum Hall Insulator at ν = 0”, New. J. Phys. 13, 113008 (2011).

20W. Zhu, W. Li, Q. W. Shi, X. R. Wang, J. L. Yang and J. G. Hou, “Vacancy Induced Splitting of Dirac Nodal Point in Graphene”, Phys. Rev. B 85, 085408 (2012).

21W. Zhu, H. Y. Yuan, Q. W. Shi, J. G. Hou and X. R. Wang, “Shape of the Landau subbands in disordered grapheme”, Phys. Rev. B 83, 153408 (2011).

22W. Zhu, Q. W. Shi, X. R. Wang, X. P. Wang, J. L. Yang, J. Chen and J. G. Hou, “Evaluation of the Green’s function of disordered grapheme”, Phys. Rev. B 82,  153405 (2010).

23W. Zhu, Z. F. Wang, Q. W. Shi, K. Y. Szeto, J. Chen and J. G. Hou, “Electronic structure in gapped graphene with a Coulomb potential”, Phys. Rev. B 79, 155430 (2009).


25Q. L. He, J. B. Xu, D. X. Yao and Y. Q. Zhang, “Sudden transition between classical and quantum decoherence in dissipative cavity QED and stationary quantum discord”, Phys. Rev. A 84, 022312 (2011).

26Q. L. He and J. B. Xu, “ Enhancing quantum discord in cavity QED by an added nonlinear Kerr-like medium”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 28, 2966 (2011).

27Q. L. He and J. B. Xu, “Enhancement of stationary state quantum discord in Tavis-Cummings model by nonlinear Kerr-like medium”, Opt. Commun., 284, 3649 (2011).

28Q. L. He and J. B. Xu, “Tunable entanglement sudden death and three-partite entanglement in Tavis-Cummings model with an added nonlinear kerr-like medium”, Opt. Commun., 284, 1714 (2011).

29Q. L. He, Y. Q. Zhang and J. B. Xu, “Multiatom entanglement dynamics and entanglement transfer between remote cavities via optical fibers”, Can. J. Phys., 89, 753 (2011).

30Q. L. He and J. B. Xu, “Tunable Entanglement Sudden Death and Birth in Cavity QED with Nonlinear Kerr-Like Medium”, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, 120, 390 (2011).

31Y. Q. Zhang, Q. L. He, Q. X. Mu and J. C. Liu, “Preserving quantum correlations in two superconducting qubits by applying time-dependent magnetic fields”Eur. Phys. J. D66 210 (2012).

32Z. D. Hu, Q. L. He and J. B. Xu, “ Quantum communication in spin chains with three-site and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions”Physica  A391 6226 (2012).

33Y. J. Xiao and Z. W. Long, “Solution of Klein-Gordon equation for pseudo-Coulomb Potential plus a new ring-shaped potential”, Commun.Theor. Phys. 53(1), 54 (2010).

34Y. J. Xiao, Z. W. Long and S. H. Cai, Commun Klein-Gordon oscillator in noncommutative phase space under a uniform magnetic field”, Int. J. Theor. Phys.,  50(10), 3105 (2011).

35Z. H. Peng, J. Zou, X. J. Liu, Y. J. Xiao, and L. M. Kuang, “Atomic and photonic entanglement concentration via photonic Faraday rotation”, Phys. Rev. A 86, 034305 (2012).

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37, X. ZhouZ. J. Luo, X. GuoB. C. ZhangL. T. ShangQ. ZhouC. Y. Deng and Z. Ding, “Research on surface segregation  of  InGaAs film by the evolution of reflection high energy electron diffraction patterns”, Chin. Phys. B 2146103 (2012).

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46阮方鸣,董墨,吴亮,王义,周峰,石丹,高攸纲. “微小间隙静电放电中两种放电模式的影响研究”, 电波科学学报,37, 1030 (2012).

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55, F. M. Ruan, S. Y. Sun, L. Zhang, and T. Dlugosz, “Some Consideration on Electromagnetic Compatibility in CAN Bus Design of Automobile”, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific International Symposium on EMC,ID:342, April12-16, Beijing:1458 (2010).

56, F. M. Ruan, R. F. Linghu, H. Y. Wang, R. Zhang and F. Zhou, “Human Body Impedance Model and Human Age Dependence of Dielectric Properties”, Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Antenna, Propagation and Electromagnetic Theory, 30Nov.-2Dec., Guangzhou: C5-03, ISAPE2010159 (2010).

57阮方鸣,石丹, 杨乘, 高攸纲, 周锋, 刘素玲, “Bernoulli 方程分析小间隙放电中的    电极速度效应”, 电波科学学报, 24, 978 (2009).

58阮方鸣,高攸纲, “PS-600/700测试系统校正与放电参数对电极速度的相关性研究”, 仪器仪表学报, 29, 959 (2008).

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60, F. M. Ruan, Y. G. Gao and D. Shi, “Threshold Point of Short-gap Electrostatic Discharge and Its Mechanism Analysis”, Proceedings of 2008 Asia-Pacific Symposium on EMC & 19th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility. May19-May22, Singapore:144 (2008).

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66宋晓书,程新路,杨向东,令狐荣锋, 吕兵, “Line intensities of the asymptotic asymmetric-top radical HO2 at high temperature”, Chin. Phys. B, 01, (2008).

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70宋晓书,程新路, 杨向东, 令狐荣锋, “氧化亚氮3000020010010110跃迁带在高温下的线强度”, 物理学报, 06,2008.

71G. X. Shen, R. F. Linghu, R. K. Wang and X. D. Yang, “Theoretical calculation of the partial cross section for first vibrational excitation in He-H2(D2T2) collisions”, Chin.  Phys., 11,2007.

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76徐梅,令狐荣锋,李应发,杨向东,王晓璐, “LiF分子在外电场中的物理性质研究”, 物理学报, 05,2012.

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79B. Lv, R. F. Linghu, Y. Yi and X.D. Yan, “Characterisation of the high-pressure structural transition and elastic properties in boron arsenic”, Chin, Phys, B, 07, 2010.

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81吕兵,令狐荣锋,宋晓书,王晓璐,杨向东,贺端威, “氧原子在Pt(111)表面和次表面的吸附与扩散”, 物理学报, 04,2012.

82吕兵,令狐荣锋,宋晓书,李应发,杨向东, “NO在Pt(111)表面的振动和离解”, 物理学报,   22,2012.

83吕兵,令狐荣锋,周勋,程新路,杨向东, “AlO2Al2O分子的结构与解析势能函数”, 物理学报, 04,2008.

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86D. Zhang and Q. Zheng, “Effectof phase noise on the stationary entanglement of optomechanical system with Kerr medium”, Chin. Phys. Lett., 30, 024210 (2013).

87Q. Zheng, S. C. Li and L. B. Fu, “Controllable band loops of ultracold atoms in a cavity”, Eur. J. Phys. D, 66, 271 (2012).

88Q. Zheng, S. C. Li, X. P. Zhang, T. J. You and L. B. Fu, “Controllable optical bistability of Bose—Einstein condensate in an optical cavity with a Kerr medium  Chin. Phys. B, 21, 093702 (2012).

89P. Yue, Q. Zheng and Z. Z. Ren, “Suppressing entanglement sudden death by initialsystem-environment correlation”, Chin. Phys. C, 36, 592 (2012).

90Q. Zheng, Q. J. Zhi, X. P. Zhang and Z. Z. Ren, “Controllable entanglement sudden birth of Heisenberg spins”, Chin. Phys. C, 35, 135 (2011).

91Q. Zheng, X. Y. Xie, Q. J. Zhi, X. P. Zhang and Z. Z. Ren, “Bell-nonlocality sudden birth with intrinsic decoherence”, Phys. Scr., 82, 045003 (2010).


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95, Q. Zheng, P. Sun, X. P. Zhang and Z. Z. Ren, “Bipartite Entanglement Dynamics in Three Qubits System with Dzyaloshinskii–MoriyaInteraction”, Commun. Theor. Phys., 54, 417 (2010).

96, Q. Zheng, W. G. Wang, X. P. Zhang and Z. Z. Ren”Relatively-long time decay of Loschmidt echo of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential”Eur. Phys. J. D, 58275 (2010).

97, Q. Zheng, W. G. Wang, P. Q. Qin, P. Wang, X. P. Zhang and Z. Z. Ren“Decay of Loschmidt echo in a Bose-Einstein condensate at a dynamical phase transition”Phys. Rev. E, 80, 016214 (2009).

98, Q. Zheng, X. P. ZhangQ. J. Zhi and Z. Z. Ren, “Entanglement dynamics of a Heisenberg chain with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction”, Chin. Phys. B, 18, 3210 (2009).

99, Q. Zheng, W. G. Wang, X. P. Zhang and Z. Z. Ren “Loschmidt echo near a dynamical phase transition in a Bose-Einstein condensate”, Phys. Letts. A, 372, 5139 (2008).

100,Q. Zheng, X. P. Zhang and Z. Z. Ren, “Controlling entanglement sudden death by Kerr medium”, Chin. Phys.B, 17, 3553 (2008).

101,Q. Zheng, X. P. Zhang and Z. Z. Ren “New exact solutions and coherence structures of generalized Breor-Kaup equations”, Commun.Theor. Phys., 50, 1283 (2008).

102,Q. Zheng, X. P. Zhang and Z. Z. Ren“Anti-synchronization between Lorenz and Liu hyperchaotic systems”, Commun.Theor. Phys., 50, 677 (2008).

103,Q. Zheng and Z. Z. Ren“Some New Exact Traveling Wave Solutions of Double-sine-Gordon Equation”, Commun.Theor.Phys., 49, 303 (2008).

104,L. X. Gong, Q. Zheng and P. Yue, “Some New Exact Solutions of mKdV Equations”, Commun.Theor. Phys., 45, 790 (2006).

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106,陈世国,吉世印,刘万松,宋泽运,庞礼军, 基于小波分析的高斯脉冲成形的递归实现,物理学报, 58(05), (2009).

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