姓名:刘雪飞,男,中共党员,1988年出生,博士,教授,硕士生导师,物电学院党委委员,人工智能系副主任,全国青年岗位能手,贵州省最美劳动者,贵州省青年千层次人才,目前为《稀有金属》青年编委,维泽专家库(VE)材料专家委员会委员,贵州省物理学会、人工智能学会、人工智能教育学会会员。担任《2D materials》、《Frontiers in Chemistry》、《Applied surface science》、《nanotechnology》、《Semiconductor Science and Technology》、《人工晶体学报》等国内外期刊审稿人。主要从事新能源材料、器件相关理论以及基于机器学习、深度学习的交叉应用研究,主持省部级项目4项,主持国家自然科学基金1项, 目前以第一或通讯作者在国内外核心期刊发表学术论文30余篇,其中SCI 20余篇,申请专利4项;主要在凝聚态物理,电子信息、计算机科学与技术,职业技术教育等方向招收研究生;
学院部门:云开体育官网登录入口·(中国)官方网站 人工智能系(副主任)
邮 箱:201307129@gznu.edu.cn
博 士:2016年-2020年,贵州大学,微电子学与固体电子学专业
硕 士:2010年-2013年,贵州大学,微电子学与固体电子学专业
本 科:2006年-2010年,贵州大学,电子科学与技术专业
1、能源材料结构设计及基于人工智能技术交叉应用研究 (凝聚态物理方向招生)
[1] Liu Xuefei, Gao Zhibin, Wang Vei, et al. Extrapolated Defect Transition Level in Two-Dimensional Materials: The Case of Charged Native Point Defects in Monolayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride [J]. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12(14): 17055-61.
[2] Liu Xuefei, Luo ZiJiang, Zhou Xun, et al. Theoretical study of stress and strain distribution in coupled pyramidal InAs quantum dots embedded in GaAs by finite element method [J]. The European Physical Journal B, 2019, 92(7): 138.
[3] Liu Xuefei, Lv Bing, Ding Zhao, et al. Van der Waals heterostructure of graphene and As2S3: Tuning the Schottky barrier height by vertical strain [J]. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2020, 549(10): 125882.
[4] Liu Xuefei, Lv Bing, Ding Zhao, et al. External uniaxial compressive strain induced built-in electric field in bilayer two-dimensional As2S3 for photocatalytic water splitting: A first-principles study [J]. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2021, 535(3): 147701.
[5] Liu Xuefei, Yang Xin, Yang Xiuzhang, et al. Exploration of n- and p-type doping for two-dimensional gallium nitride: charged defect calculation with first principles [J]. The European Physical Journal B, 2020, 93(8): 148.
[6] Liu X., Zhang Y., Wang W., et al. Transition Metal and N Doping on AlP Monolayers for Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysts: Density Functional Theory Study Assisted by Machine Learning Description [J]. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2021,
[7] Liu Xuefei, Zhang Zhaofu, Ding Zhao, et al. Highly anisotropic electronic and mechanical properties of monolayer and bilayer As2S3 [J]. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2021, 542(3): 148665.
[8] Liu Xuefei, Zhang Zhaofu, Luo Zijiang, et al. Tunable Electronic Properties of Graphene/g-AlN Heterostructure: The Effect of Vacancy and Strain Engineering [J]. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(12): 1674.
[9] Liu Xuefei, Zhang Zhaocai, Lv Bing, et al. The external electric‐field‐induced Schottky‐to‐ohmic contact transition in graphene/As2S3 interface: A study by the first principles [J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020, 45(3): 4727.
[10] Liu Xuefei, Zhang Zhaocai, Lv Bing, et al. Impact of the vertical strain on the Schottky barrier height for graphene/AlN heterojunction: a study by the first-principles method [J]. The European Physical Journal B, 2021, 94(1): 1-7.
[11] Liu Xuefei, Luo Zi-Jiang, Zhou Xun, et al. Structural, mechanical, and electronic properties of 25 kinds of III–V binary monolayers: A computational study with first-principles calculation [J]. Chin. Phys. B, 2019, 28(8): 086105.
[12] Liu Xuefei; Zhang, Z.; Lv, B.; Ding, Z.; Luo, Z. The External Electric Field-Induced Tunability of the Schottky Barrier Height in Graphene/AlN Interface: A Study by First-Principles [J]. Nanomaterials, 2020, 10(9): 1794.
[13] Luo Zijiang, Ma Yuandong, Yang Xiuzhang, Liu Xuefei* et al. Native Point Defects in Monolayer Hexagonal Boron Phosphide from First Principles [J]. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2020, 49(10): 5782-9.
[14] Luo ZiJiang, Yang YunFan, Yang XiuZhang, Liu xuefei* et al. The mechanical properties and strain effect on the electronic properties of III-nitride monolayers: ab-initio study [J]. Mater. Res. Express, 2019, 6(11): 115915.
[15] Xuefei Liu, Zhao Ding, Zijiang Luo, et al. Theoretical study on the electronic and optical properties of bulk and surface (001) In x Ga 1-x As [J]. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2018, 537(09): 68-76.
[16] Xuefei Liu, Zijiang Luo, Xun Zhou, et al. Calculation of electronic and optical properties of surface InxGa1−xP and indium-gradient structure on GaP (0 0 1) [J]. Computational Materials Science, 2018, 153,356-62.
[17] Zhang Yuefei, Wei Jiemin, Liu Tianyun, Liu Xuefei * et al. Tunable properties of ZnSe/graphene heterostructure as a promising candidate for photo/electro-catalyst applications [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 574
[18] Xiao W., Liu T., Zhang Y., Liu Xuefei* et al. Tunable Schottky Barrier and Interfacial Electronic Properties in Graphene/ZnSe Heterostructures [J]. Front Chem, 2021, 9,744977.
[19] Liu Xuefei, Yuefei Zhang, Liu Tianyun et al. Rational Design Synergistic Metal-free Dual-atom Electrocatalyst for N2 to NH3 Reaction on g-CN: A First Principle Study [J]. Applied Surface Science ,2022,605,154831
[20] Liu Xuefei, Liutianyun, Weijun Xiao et al. Strain engineering in single-atom catalysts: GaPS 4 for bifunctional oxygen reduction and evolution [J]. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2022,9(16), 4272-4280.
[21] Tianyun Liu, et al., Xuefei Liu*. Regulating on photocatalytic overall water splitting performance of gallium thiophosphate based on transition metal doping: A first-principles study[J]. Molecular Catalysis, 2022,553(12),112765.
[22]Yuefei Zhang, Xuefei Liu* ,et al. GaPS2Se2 Monolayer: Novel Stable 2D Janus Semiconductor with Anisotropic Properties for Spontaneous Water splitting under the Irradiation of Solar Light[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2022(publish in advance).
[23]Yuanjun Hu, Xin Zhao, Xuefei Liu*, et al. Coordination Engineering on Novel 2D Pentagonal NiN2 for Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysts[J]. Applied surface science, 2023, 614(3),156256.
[24] Xin Zhao, Yu Yang, Xuefei Liu*, et al. Theoretical Calculation of Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Two-dimensional As2X3 (X= S, Se, Te) Doped with Transition Metal Atoms[J]. Applied surface science, 2023, 616(4),156475.
1)贵州省科学技术厅基础研究计划-黔科合LH字【2017】7341号(2017-2020),多层InGaAs 两种点均匀有序化生长及其光学特性研究,6.6万(主持结题);
5)贵州师范大学教改项目(2022-2023),依托学科竞赛提高学生解决复杂工程问题能力的电子系统设计实践课程改革,0.5 万(主持在研);
7)贵州省教育厅青年拔尖人才项目-Qian Jiaoji[2022]No.078,40万(主持在研)